Edmodo and Wiggio, Microblogging with Students

These two sites offer opportunities to microblog with students. Edmodo has a place to post a calendar, assignments and files. Wiggio was designed by college students who needed a better way to collaborate. You can send all kinds of e-mails and messages, work on files together, poll the group and keep a group calendar. I may set one of these up for parents this year or use it with the writing project or . . .


Filed under Blogging, Classroom Practice, Resources, Web 2.0, Writing

2 responses to “Edmodo and Wiggio, Microblogging with Students

  1. barclaygp

    You are truly #1 Jenny! I received notification that you had posted this wonderful piece of information through my Google Reader account (which you told me about). You are such a huge nerd, but I am too. Thanks!

  2. Glad you’ve heard about edmodo. We would love to have you aboard and pArt of the edmodo community. If you have any questions do not hesitate to shoot me an e-mail.

    Co-Founder – Edmodo

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